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Сразу признаюсь - текст писала не сама. Мне не хватает грамотного знания английского. А проверять меня некому. Поэтому брала несколько источников, включая Вики на английском и тупо компилировала текст. Вопросы писали сообща с коллегами. Но ученики были настолько тупы, что не смогли дать ни одного вразумительного ответа длинной более 2 слов. Драть их надо как сидоровых коз, а не в Европу возить!
Pay It Forward
Pay It Forward is an American drama film based on the novel of the same name by Catherine Ryan Hyde, about 11-year-old boy who found a simple way to change the world.

Trevor McKinney is a boy who comes from a troubled home. Trevor begins seventh grade, his social studies teacher Eugene Simonet gives the class an unusual assignment - think up a practical way to make the world a better place, and put it into action. Trevor's plan is a charitable program based on the networking of good deeds. He calls his plan "Pay it forward", which means do a needed favor for three different people, and then ask them to do the same for three others. Trevor does a favor for three people, asking each of them to "pay the favor forward" by doing favors for three other people, and so on, along a branching tree of good deeds.
His first good deed is to let Jerry), a junkie living on the streets, live in his garage, and Jerry pays the favor forward by doing car repairs for Trevor's mother. Next, he tries to fix Arlene up with Mr. Simonet, since both seem to be lonely and the clean and sober teacher might help Arlene stay away from alcohol. Trevor's efforts appear to fail when Jerry relapses into drug addiction. The second deed also appears to fail until Eugene and Arlene argue about her alcoholism and she slaps him in a fit of anger.

Trevor's school assignment marks the beginning of the story's chronology, but the opening scene in the film shows one of the later favors in the "pay it forward" tree, in which a man gives a car to Los Angeles journalist Chris Chandler, astonished, Chris wants to find out where this philosophy came from. As the film proceeds, he traces the chain of favors back to its origin in school project. Chandler identifies Trevor as the originator of "pay it forward" and conducts a recorded interview in which Trevor describes his hopes and concerns for the project.
Finally, Trevor tries to rescue one of his schoolmates, who is constantly tormented by bullies. Trevor is deliberately stabbed while defending his friend Adam against a group of evil bullies, and he consequently dies at the hospital. This news is reported on television; Arlene and Eugene are soon visited by hundreds of people who have participated in the "pay it forward" movement, gathering in a vigil to pay Trevor their respects.
Dream and Reality
The most interesting moment than idea of the story about Trevor's project has created a real movement.
The Pay It Forward Foundation is about finding a way to help your community and your fellow human beings. You can also join the
Pay it forward foundation.
Pay it Forward rules:1. One Person to help Pay it Forward to 3 other people.
2. You are not allowed to Pay it Back to anyone you help.
3. You need to do 3 big favors to 3 other people.
4. It has to be something hard which they can't do it themselves.
5. Continue the movement of Pay it Forward for it to work.
6. Make a difference in people's life and help to change the world.
7. The world needs people like us.
The slogan of Pay forward foundation "One act of kindness can change everything" is close to
aims of "Kind Minds Kind Mouths" project.
Questions about the film

- Who is the hero of this story?
- Who is the Mr. Simonet?
- What did happen to Mr. Simonet when he was a teenage?
- Who is Arline?
- Which grade is Trevor in?
- What is Trevor’s idea to change the world?
- What is Trevor’s first action?
- What do you think about Trevor’s mom’s job? Is she happy or not?
- Why Trevor doesn’t like his father?
- What did happen to Trevor in the end?
- What do you think about the end?
- What is the main theme of the film?
- Did you like the film? Why did you like? Why not?