Как объяснить иностранцу смысл фразы "в рот мне ноги"?
Идиота кусок
[Idiota kusok]
Literally: A piece of idiot Describes a really stupid person.
В рот мне ноги
[V rot mne nogi]
Literally: Legs into my mouth. When you are surprised by someone or something.
Ну нахер
[Nu naher]
Literally: "fuck it" or "Let it be". Used as "Fuck it, I don't care".
Осторожно мат
Идиота кусок
[Idiota kusok]
Literally: A piece of idiot Describes a really stupid person.
В рот мне ноги
[V rot mne nogi]
Literally: Legs into my mouth. When you are surprised by someone or something.
Ну нахер
[Nu naher]
Literally: "fuck it" or "Let it be". Used as "Fuck it, I don't care".
Осторожно мат